eleven_ty’s avatareleven_ty’s Twitter Archive

Most Recent 40 Tweets

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  1. For *reasons* this account is considered officially dormant! We’re having a lovely time over on: 1️⃣ 🐘 Mastodon fosstodon.org/@eleventy 2️⃣ ▶️ YouTube youtube.com/@EleventyVideo 3️⃣ 💬 Discord 11ty.dev/blog/discord/ 4️⃣ 📦 GitHub github.com/11ty/ Thanks everyone!
  2. flowist.app is #BuiltWithEleventy by @selfire1! 🏆 @selfire1/1593844245453893634
  3. New plugin release: Eleventy WebC v0.7.0 with Breaking 🚨 Changes 1️⃣ Change @​html="content" to @​raw="content" in your Eleventy Layout files to avoid double-processing 2️⃣ Adds a default components glob Check out the release notes for more info: github.com/11ty/eleventy-plugin-webc/releases/tag/v0.7.0
  4. Anyone have a favorite solution for comments on a static blog? @equalsShaun/1592840714139930625
  5. Now shipping: eleventy-activity-feed Build one centralized RSS feed that pulls from a bunch of different social networking sites. Ships with support for YouTube, RSS/Atom, Mastodon (via RSS), and Twitter. Demo, subscribe to: 11ty.dev/follow/ Code: github.com/11ty/eleventy-activity-feed
  6. The State of Eleventy in Two Minutes (2022) youtube.com/watch?v=EZfNr-YblBE
  7. early access preview to a new eleventy thing on mastodon 👀
  8. Now shipping: <is-land> v3.0.0 Adds support for Declarative Shadow DOM, defer-hydration attribute, performance improvements on <is-land> without loading conditions. Thank you @techytacos and @develwoutacause! Learn more: github.com/11ty/is-land/releases/tag/v3.0.0
  9. Eleventy is on 🐘 Mastodon now! Follow along: fosstodon.org/@eleventy
  10. “11ty was the only purely static site generator (SSG) in our survey to show growth in usage share. For this reason we think 11ty is now the clear choice if a static site is your use case.” —Jamstack Community Survey 2022 jamstack.org/survey/2022/
  11. I spy a few #BuiltWithEleventy sites in there 👀 @ffconf/1591050537083891712
  12. statushero.com is #BuiltWithEleventy 🏆 Thanks @AdamStddrd! Read the whole thread for more detail: @AdamStddrd/1590782821291167744
  13. At @jamstackconf, @seldo reports that the Jamstack Community Survey data reveals: Web Components have arrived 🏆
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  14. Congratulations to our friends over at @sveltejs! @jamstackconf/1590039609022779392
  15. Stickers were exchanged 👀👀 @directus/1589749978519728134
  16. The State of Eleventy (2022) in two minutes youtube.com/watch?v=EZfNr-YblBE (also debuting today at #JamstackConf 👀)
  17. An epic “how I built it” thread from @EllyJoel on their new-ish #BuiltWithEleventy site: ellyloel.com @ellyloel/1589514012890656770
  18. For the @jamstackconf crowd attending the conference this week: if you find @zachleat walking around make sure to ask for a sticker! They only travel by sneakernet and a few of the initial 2019 vintage print are still available!
  19. oh hello 👀👀👀 @brob/1589296159566467074
  20. Today is a good day to subscribe to the Eleventy YouTube channel, with a new video premiering next week at @jamstackconf: youtube.com/watch?v=EZfNr-YblBE
  21. Did you know that @enhance_dev has an Eleventy plugin? enhance.dev/docs/learn/deployment/11ty Check it out!
  22. If you’d like to add your site to 11ty.dev and make it eligible for the Eleventy Leaderboards (№24), now’s a great time to do it: github.com/11ty/11ty-community/issues/new/choose
  23. insitesdigital.com is #BuiltWithEleventy (and @strapijs) via @graemeboyes
  24. This WebC release unlocks the very first official Eleventy WebC component: <syntax-highlight> (and new WebC examples on 11ty.dev/docs/plugins/syntaxhighlight/) (Most useful to devs whose bosses *aren’t* asking you to print your source code to paper) @WebC_omponents/1587838649982504961
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  25. it’s shameless self promotion day folks may have missed that project you worked so hard on and shipped out months ago—share it again (without shame!) ⬇️
  26. Dip your toes in, the water is fine 🏆 @flaviocopes/1587391582139043840
  27. 🆕 Eleventy WebC Plugin v0.6.0 🎈🐀⚡️ 🛠 Includes new WebC v0.6.x features and bug fixes github.com/11ty/webc/releases/tag/v0.6.0 @WebC_omponents/1587537340528005123
  28. chriskirknielsen.com is #BuiltWithEleventy 🏆 (make sure you try the theme chooser!!) @ckirknielsen/1587089760987844609
  29. Generative art Open Graph Preview Images (using Eleventy Image 🏆) by @ilikescience Incredible! @ilikescience/1586762395107606529
  30. should the button be… smaller? @joelanman/1586405614787624960
  31. podcast.play.date is #BuiltWithEleventy 🏆
  32. nova.app is #BuiltWithEleventy 🏆 @panic/1585702619024347137
  33. danmall.com is #BuiltWithEleventy 🏆 @danmall/1585364657753100289
  34. happy halloween to everyone working in IT @ThatPatrickGrey/1585385776875208704
  35. Have the Eleventy Syntax Highlighter Plugin installed on your WebC project? Syntax highlight in your *.webc files:
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API